Maximum Demand Calculator
Maximum Demand Calculator

Diversity Calculator

Calculate the total connected load and apply diversity to ascertain the maximum demand


Maximum Demand Calcualation

Maximum Demand & Diversity Calculator


This electrical diversity calculator is for calculating the total connected load and applying diversity to get the maximum demand with diversity applied.

To calculate the maximum demand we can use this formula, Total connected load x diversity factor = maximum demand.

- An electrical diversity calculator based on appendix A of the On-Site Guide.


  • Apply diversity (DF)
  • Calculate total connected load
  • Enter load as kW, Amps or Watts
  • Apply usage factors (UF)
  • Add single phase loads
  • Add three phase loads
  • Custom diversity factors
  • Calculate maximum demand

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Calculate Total Load


1. Distribution Board Type

To calculate the total connected load first select the distribution board type from the selectable options, Single Phase or Three Phase, note you also can add single phase loads to a three phase distribution board.


Next select a type of premises from the selectable options.


2. Types Of Premises

  • Dwelling / Domestic
  • Small shops & offices
  • Small hotels and guest houses
  • Other (custom)


Select Other (custom) if you wish to apply your own diversity factor values to ALL circuits, the remaining types of premises applies a diversity factor based on Appendix A of the On-Site Guide.


3. Description of Circuit or Load

Once you have selected a type of premises now select a circuit type from the vast array of options. Circuit type examples, Cooker, Electric Shower, socket-outlets…


The diversity factor applied depends on the type of circuit selected.


Select Custom Circuit if you wish to apply your own diversity factor to that specific load.

Calculate Diversity


The amount of diversity applied to the default circuit types is based on appendix A of the On-Site Guide, you can also apply your own diversity factor to specific circuits by selecting Circuit Type: Custom Circuit, new inputs will appear where you can enter your own diversity factor value and circuit description.


Note: When adding multiples of the same default circuit types, add the largest load first, then the second largest and so on.


4. Enter Total Load Value

Total Load Value Options:
– kW
– Watts
– Amps


5. If Three Phase Select Phase

Phase Options:
– L1
– L2
– L3
– L123

Electrical Diversity Calcultations
Apply a Usage Factor

Calculate Maximum Demand


Maximum demand is the total connected load with diversity applied.


6. Usage Factor

A Usage Factor (UF) is a function we have added to enable you to apply a further factor to an already diversified total load DL 1 (OSG).


This diversity calculator outputs multiple results:

Total Full Load = Your total connected load (before applying diversity).
DL 1 (OSG) = Diversified Load based on the OSG.
DL 1 (Custom) = Diversified Load using your own diversity factors.
DL 2 = Diversified Load based on a rule of thumb method.
DL 3 = DL 1 but also applying your Usage Factor to it.


DL 1 (Custom) is displayed when you select Type of Premises “Custom”, when this is selected as the type of premises you enter your own diversity factors for each load you add.


You can also use your own diversity factor value to a specific circuit or load with the preset standard types of premises by selecting Circuit Type : Custom.


The diversity applied using the rule of thumb method depends on the type of premises selected.

Electrical Diversity Calculations


Calculating maximum demand is not an exact science due to the many variables involved, many other factors should also be considered when calculating the maximum demand.


Calculating & applying diversity to electrical circuits requires a detailed knowledge of the electrical installation in question and relevant experience in applying diversity and calculating the maximum demand.


Other Features

  • Quick and easy
  • Saves time
  • Print the results
  • Multiple diversity results
How to calculate diversity
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How to calculate the total connected load

The circuit design current is the minimum amount of current the circuit needs to be able to sustain in normal use.

How to calculate diversity

In order to apply diversity to the total full load we need to ascertain the type of load and how frequently it is likely to be used.


FL = Total Full Load
DF = Diversity Factor
DR = Diversified Result
FL x DF = DL


Note that depending on the type of load the formula above may differ, such as FL, (sum) = DR.


Calculating & applying the appropriate diversity factors to a connected load requires detailed knowledge and experience, all relevant factors should be considered.


For more information see our post on how to calculate diversity.

What is a Usage Factor?

A Usage Factor (UF) is a function we have added to enable you to apply a further factor to an already diversified total load.


This diversity calculator outputs multiple results:

Total Full Load = Your total connected load (before applying diversity).

DL 1 = Diversified Load based on the OSG.
DL 2 = Diversified Load based on a rule of thumb method.
DL 3 = Diversified Load of DL 1 but also applying your Usage Factor.

How to calculate maximum demand

To calculate the total connected load we use the following formula: Total Connected Load = Load 1 + Load 2 + Load 3 and so on…


To calculate the maximum demand we use the following formula: Maximum Demand = Total Connected Load x Diversity.


Diversity can be applied to each individual circuit or to the total connected load, the latter will result in a much a lesser accurate result.


When calculating the maximum demand for an electrical installation, the type of use of the installation / number of occupants may change throughout the life of the installation therefore the maximum demand may change.


Calculating maximum demand is not an exact science due to the many variables, many other factors should also be considered when calculating the maximum demand.


See > How to Calculate Maximum Demand

Demo video may show an older version of the app

Maximum Demand Calculator

This diversity calculator is optimised for calculating the total connected load, apply diversity and calculate the maximum demand.

  • Apply diversity
  • Apply a custom usage factor
  • Single and Three Phase
  • Apply On-Site Guide or custom diversity factors

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