Electrical Certificates App
Electrical Certification Software

Pro Certs

Electrical certification software based on BS 7671

Download for Android
Electrical Apps for iPhone
Windows Store


Pro Certs Electrical Certification Software


Electrical Certification Software for producing professional electrical installation certificates, electrical installation condition reports and electrical minor works certificates, available on iPad, Android Tablets and Windows.


The Pro Certs electrical certificate software application is designed from the ground up with the end user in mind with easy to navigate certificate sections via the sidebar menu and client & installations database, electrical certificates based on BS 7671. This electrical certification software also works offline, data sync (when online) and is very easy to use and manage.


Take the strain & pain out of electrical certification, testing and reporting with the Pro Certs Electrical Testing & Certification Software.

For Temporary Electrical Systems Certification Software based on BS 7909 see › 7909 Certification Software.

Core Features

  • Cloud sync between devices
  • Management web portal
  • Multi-user accounts (via Web Portal)
  • Add photos to EICR’s
  • Dedicated support team

More Features

  • Works Offline
  • Circuit Zs validation
  • Flood fill options (circuits)
  • Copy distribution boards & certificates
  • Copy or edit completed certificates
EICR Software

Home Screen Menu



Menu Options:

  • New Certificate
  • My Certificates
  • My Account
  • Settings
  • Clients
  • Install. Addresses
  • Contractors
  • Engineers
  • Help / FAQ’s
  • More Apps
  • Website
  • Email Support

Free Trial

Try out the Pro Certs electrical testing & inspection software for free with a free trial, extended free trials available on request.


Windows and Android
Once you have signed up and confirmed your email address you can use the software unrestricted during the trial period, when the trial period expires you will be prompted for a subscription.


Due to the restrictions and conditions imposed by Apple the free trial is included with a subscription. If you do not wish to continue with using the software then remember to cancel the subscription before the trial expires to avoid being charged by the App Store.

Electrical Inspecting and Testing Software
Domestic Electrical Certification Software

Certificate Colours


Customize the electrical certificate colours to match your branding.


Primary Colours:

Using the sliders adjust the primary colour of the certificate section headers text to any colour.


Table Header Background Colours:

Select the certificate colour from the following options,

 Green  Red  Blue  Purple

Auto Generate Certificate Ref’s.
Turn Auto Generate Cert No. to on if you want the app to generate the certificate reference numbers for you. The certificate numbers generated will ascend from your first certificate number i.e. if your Next No. is set to 001, the following certificate numbers will be 002, 003, 004 and so on.

An easy way to keep track on how many total electrical certificates / EICR’s you have created.

Certificate Logo


Add your own company logo which will be displayed at the top of every page of the electrical certificate or report.


Add Logo: Home Contractors Add Logo

You can add any logo here to be displayed at the top of the certificate such as a letting agents logo or your competent persons scheme logo.


Multiple Contractors | 3rd Party Contractors | Sub-Contractors.

You can add more than one electrical contractor, a handy feature if you also carry out electrical testing and inspecting for another 3rd party electrical contractor as you can (with their permission) add their company details and logo to supply the full package of electrical testing & inspecting and providing the completed paperwork under their banner.

Add Company Logos
EICR Observations

Certificate Images


Add weight your EICR observations with a photograph.


  • Allocate an observation to a specific circuit.
  • Allocate a photo to a specific observation number
  • Schedule of items inspected > Add your own comment to an item.
  • Schedule of items inspected > C1’s & C2’s auto added to observations, including your own comment.

Certificate Template


Should you have multiple identical or similar properties to test such as a block of flats, create one certificate, select copy and a full duplicate will be created including all test results.


Edit the test results and installation address and hit save, quick and easy.


  • Duplicate Complete Certificates
  • Copy Distribution Boards
  • Copy Individual Circuits
BS7671 Electrical Certificates

Certificate Navigation


Quickly navigate between the different sections of the installation certificate or condition report with the sections menu, or use the Navigation tabs at the bottom of the screen.


 DB Options

  • Add another distribution board
  • Copy distribution board
  • Delete distribution board

Site Survey Forms


Many electricians and electrical inspectors sill prefer to hand write their paperwork on-site and input the data into Pro Certs back in the office.


Print blank PDF electrical certificates for site surveys or for hand writing on site.


Blank Certs: Home New Certificate Site Survey Forms Select form to print


  • Electrical Installation Certificate
  • Electrical Installation Condition Report
  • Minor Works Certificate
  • Distribution Board Schedule
  • Observations List Page
  • Continuation Page for General Notes
Blank electrical certs
EICR Software

Circuit Short Cuts


Use the top row on the DB circuits screen to select devices and input test results to copy to all circuits.


After entering all of your circuit descriptions you can then use the top flood fill row (shown in red) to select cable type, disconnection times, insulation resistance values, MCB’s and test results etc.


All selections, data and test results entered here will copy to ALL circuits so you only need to enter it once and it will be copied to all of the circuits, a great time saver!


Enter once, copy to ALL.

Cloud Sync


Cloud sync your data across all your devices.


Auto Sync: Home Settings Auto Sync Data: 
Manual Sync: Home My Certificates:


  • Sync Certificates
  • Sync Installation Addresses
  • Sync Clients
Cloud Electrical Certification Software

Management Web Portal


Within the Management Web Portal you can setup all your default company data such as company name, address, logo etc and push that data to all your engineers devices.



  • Company Management
  • Engineer Management
  • Client Management
  • Installation Address Management
  • Certificate Allocation / Management
  • Cloud Sync
  • Audit Log


For further details see the Management Web Portal User Guide or log in here Web Portal Log In

Management web Portal

Electrical Certification App User Guide ►

Single-user App Store Pricing

FREE TRIALStart your free trial today

£0.007 days

MONTHLYPaid directly to your chosen platform app store


QUARTERLYPaid directly to your chosen platform app store


Multi-user Pricing with Web Portal Access

Multi-user yearly pricing per user: Tier 1: 1 to 10 = £80, Tier 2: 11 to 20 = £60, Tier 3: 21+ = £50, when purchased in a single transaction.

TIER 11 to 10 users

£80Per user

  • Yearly

TIER 211 to 20 users

£60Per user

  • Yearly

TIER 321+ users

£50Per user

  • Yearly

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