S Plan Wiring Diagram

S Plan Wiring Diagram

S Plan wiring diagrams for fully pumped central heating and hot water systems with pump overrun, includes connections for the boiler, hot water and central heating valves, tank stats, central heating wiring centre and room stats.

Scroll to the bottom to download the s plan wiring diagram pdf.

S Plan Wiring Centre Connections

Wiring Centre Wiring Diagram
S Plan Wiring Centre Wiring Diagram
  1. Live In (From FCU) + Boiler Live (L) + Programmer Live (L) + CH & HW Valves (Grey)
  2. Earth
  3. Neutral
  4. Programmer CH (on) + Room Stat Live (1)
  5. Switched Live from Room Stat (3) + Central Heating Valve (Brown)
  6. Programmer HW (on) + Tank Stat Live (1)
  7. Switched Live from the Tank Stat + Hot Water Valve (Brown)
  8. Boiler Pump Live (PL) + Pump Live (L)
  9. Boiler Switched Live (SL) + CH & HW Valves (Orange)

Tank Stat Connections

Hot water tank thermostat wiring for hot water temperature control for S Plan hot water systems.

  • Live = L (1)
  • Switched Live = SL (C)
S Plan Tank Stat Connections

Room Stat Connections

Room temperature thermostat wiring for room temperature control of the central heating system for S Plan central heating systems.

  • Live = L (1)
  • Neutral = N (2)
  • Switched Live = SL (3)
S Plan Tank Stat Connections

S Plan Central Heating Valve Connections

Central heating valve wiring colours and wiring centre termination numbers.

  • Grey (Live) = 1
  • Green/Yellow (Earth) = 2
  • Blue (Neutral) = 3
  • Brown = 5
  • Orange = 10
S Plan Heating Valve Connections

S Plan Hot Water Valve Connections

Hot Water valve wiring colours and wiring centre termination numbers.

  • Grey (Live) = 1
  • Green/Yellow (Earth) = 2
  • Blue (Neutral) = 3
  • Brown = 8
  • Orange = 10
S Plan Hot Water Valve Connections

S Plan Boiler Connections

S Plan boiler wiring diagram with pump overrun, shown below first is the cable (function) followed by the terminal number of the wiring centre.

  • Live = 1
  • Earth = 2
  • Neutral = 3
  • Pump Live (PL) = 9
  • Switched Live (SL) = 10
S Plan Boiler Wiring

S Plan Programmer Connections

S Plan central heating & hot water programmer wiring diagram, shown below first is the cable (function) followed by the terminal number of the wiring centre.

  • Live (L) = 1
  • Earth (⏚) = 2
  • Neutral (N) = 3
  • CH (on) = 4
  • HW (on) = 6
S Plan programmer wiring diagram

S Plan Power Connections

S Plan power supply wiring diagram, shown below first is the cable (function) followed by the terminal number of the wiring centre.

  • Live = 1
  • Earth = 2
  • Neutral = 3
S Plan Spur Wiring

S Plan Wiring Diagram

S Plan wiring diagram with pump overrun.

S Plan Wiring Manual

Note: Some earths have been omitted for clarity. Always check and follow the manufactures instructions as it may differ.

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