Power Cut Compensation

Power Cut Compensation

Many people are unaware they may be entitled to compensation for an electricity power cut, you can claim this power cut compensation through your local network operator.

Power Cut Compensation Claim

The Energy Networks Association have set out some of the conditions where you may be entitled to claim compensation for an interruption to your electricity supply, the rates below were correct at time of writing and were obtained from The Energy Networks Association website.

If you have been without power for at least 12 hours or more you might be able to claim £75 (domestic customers) or £150 (non-domestic customers).

You many be able to claim a further £35 for every additional 12 hours of having no power up to a maximum total of £300.

If you regularly suffer from power cuts for more than fours times between 1st April to 31st March the following year (12 months) for at least 3 hours each time you may also be able to claim an extra £75.

How to Claim for a Power Cut Compensation

A power cut compensation claim should be made within three months for unplanned power cuts or one month for planned power cuts.

For assistance or advice on making a claim you may contact Citizens Advice, Ofgem or Energy Networks Association, all these websites have a host of additional information on when and how to make to power cut compensation claim.

There seems to be different advice regarding power cut compensation claims depending on the cause of the power cut, these include,

  • Power Cut Compensation in Normal Weather
  • Power Cut Compensation in Server Weather
  • Power Cut Compensation for Planned Power Cuts
  • Power Cut Compensation for Un-Planned Power Cuts

Who to Contact to make a Compensation Claim for a Power Cut

You need to contact your local electricity network operator to make a compensation claim. If you do not know who your local electricity network operator is you can enter your post code in this energy networks form.

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