How does an economy 7 immersion heater work

How do Economy 7 Immersion Heaters Work

Economy 7 immersion water heaters are designed to heat the water in the hot water tank during the off-peak (cheaper) rate electricity hours, the off-peak rate is normally cheaper than the peak rate and is generally from midnight through to 7am. Once the water has reached the desired temperature the immersion heater thermostat will switch off and stops heating the water.

Economy 7 on/off times

The off-peak electricity on/off times are generally between midnight and 7am but vary between electricity suppliers and regions, contact your electricity supplier for up to date e7 off-peak rate unit costs and on/off times.

Night Rate, Day Rate, Off-Peak Rate, Peak Rate

Peak (Day)
Some times the “peak” rate might be referred to as the “day-rate” or “on-peak” rate.

Off-Peak (Night)
In the same context the the “off-peak” rate might be referred to as the “night-rate”, however the night-rate unit cost may not necessarily be the same as the economy 7 off-peak rate unit cost.

Off Peak Tariff Pricing

The off-peak rate unit cost tariff is generally cheaper than the peak rate unit cost tariff, check with your electricity supplier for up to date economy 7 tariff pricing.

Off Peak Immersion and Peak Immersion, What is the Difference?

Economy 7 hot water cylinder
Economy 7 Hot Water Cylinder

Top Immersion: (peak/boost)
The top immersion heater is the “peak” immersion heater and is purely to act as a manual boost. If you run out of hot water during the day you can turn on the peak immersion heater which will heat the top portion of the hot water tank to give you a small amount hot water, remember to turn this off again as it is more expensive to heat the water at the peak rate.

Bottom Immersion: (off-peak/cheaper)
The bottom immersion heater on the hot water cylinder is the “off-peak” immersion heater which will automatically heat up at night during the cheaper off-peak rate, once the water has reached the set temperature the thermostat will switch it off.

Peak Immersion Heater

The peak rate immersion heater should be the top of the two immersion heaters on the hot water cylinder connected via a local 20A DP switch marked as “Peak Immersion Heater”, or just “Immersion Heater.”

peak rate immersion heater switch
Peak Immersion Switch

Off Peak Immersion Heater

The off peak immersion heater should be the bottom of the two immersion heaters on the hot water cylinder connected via a local 20A DP switch marked as “Off Peak Immersion Heater”.

Sometimes the wording “Immersion Heater” might be replaced with “Water Heater”.

off peak immersion switch
Off Peak Immersion Switch

NOTE: The Peak and Off Peak immersion switches as illustrated above may not be present if an economy 7 immersion heater control unit has been installed, further details of these e7 immersion heater control units are explained further down in this post.

How to use your Economy 7 Immersion heater

1) To efficiently use your economy 7 immersion heater leave the “off-peak” immersion switch turned ON all the time, the power to this will automatically be energised (power tuned on) when the cheaper off peak rate starts and will also automatically de-energise (power turned off) when the cheaper economy 7 rate ends, this is normally during the night hours.

It is worth noting that once the water has reached the set temperature on the immersion heater thermostat, the thermostat will cut the power to the immersion heater element, when this happens it will not be consuming any power (electricity).

2) Leave the “peak” immersion heater switch OFF all the time. Only turn on the peak immersion heater (or press the boost button if you have a controller) if you have run out of hot water during the day to act as a boost, remember to turn it off again.

Economy 7 Day Time Boost

During the peak-rate hours the economy 7 immersion heater will not heat the hot water because your electricity supplier will have turned it off, however there might be a daytime “boost”.

A daytime boost is where your electricity supplier turns on the economy 7 electrical supply for a few hours during the day, check with your electrical supplier for further details.

Economy 7 Immersion Heater Controls

Properties with an Economy 7 electrical supply will have an Economy 7 capable electricity meter which will turn on and off a 2nd (generally smaller) consumer unit (or the e7 side of a combined consumer unit), the economy 7 electricity meter is owned and controlled by your electricity supplier.

The economy 7 on/off times are set by your electricity supplier, the 2nd consumer unit (which is controlled by the economy 7 electrical supply) will in-turn supply the off-peak immersion heater and any economy 7 storage heaters.

Your electricity supplier will turn on the Economy 7 electrical supply to the 2nd consumer unit during the off-peak (cheaper rate) hours, this will in-turn, turn on the off-peak immersion heater to heat the water inside the hot water tank until it reaches its desired temperature, when the desired temperature has been reached the immersion heater thermostat will click-off and the immersion heater element will stop heating the water any further.

To clarify, when the water reaches the temperature as set on the immersion heater thermostat, the thermostat will interrupt (turn off) the electrical supply the immersion heating element, therefore at this point it will not be consuming any electricity.

When the water inside the hot water cylinder has reached its desired temperature and has stopped heating the hot water, while there will still be power to the Immersion heater during this off-peak period, it wont actually be “consuming” any power as the stat has shut-off the electrical supply to the actual heating element.

If the water cools below the immersion heater thermostat setpoint (during the off-peak hours) then the thermostat will activate and start reheating the water, this is why it is important to ensure your hot water tank and associated pipework are well insulated in-order to minimise heat loss.

Fitting a hot water cylinder jacket to your hot water cylinder will help to reduce heat loss from the cylinder, while fitting pipe insulation to the associated pipework will reduce the heat loss from the actual pipework.

Your electricity supplier will turn off the economy 7 electrical supply when the off-peak rate ends thus turning off the power to the economy 7 (off peak) immersion heater and e7 storage heaters.

Immersion Heater Timer

Properties with an Economy 7 electrical supply will have, as mentioned above, a 2nd (generally smaller) consumer unit adjacent to your normal consumer unit.

This 2nd consumer unit is turned on and off by your Economy 7 electricity meter, the on/off times are set and controlled by your electricity supplier, therefore there is no need for a separate immersion timer as the power supply to the economy 7 immersion heater is already controlled to only come on during the off-peak (cheap rate) times.

For properties which do not have Economy 7 then it would be beneficial to install an immersion heater time clock so you can set the on/off times to coincide with the cheaper off-peak times.

Economy 7 Immersion Heater Controller

Economy 7 Immersion Timer
Horstmann Mechanical E7 Immersion Heater Controller
Economy 7 water heater timer
Horstmann Electronic E7 Immersion Heater Controller
Smart Immersion Heater Controller
Secure E7+ Smart Immersion Heater Control

Some properties may have been fitted with an economy 7 immersion heater controller which is an e7 immersion controller with an integral boost function.

These types of economy 7 immersion control units will have an off peak supply and a peak supply to it in a single unit (rather than separate peak and off-peak immersion switches as described earlier in this post).

The boost buttons on these types of controllers are connected to the top immersion heater and supplied by the peak rate supply.

Some controllers also include a timeclock so you can programme day time boosts using the peak rate supply if you find you always run out of hot water during the day.

These immersion heater timeclock timers control units are manufactured by many different manufactures but the control functions are generally the same, there are also analogue mechanical time clocks, digital timers and now also smart immersion heater controllers which can be connected to a smart app on your phone.

Economy 7 Run Out of Hot Water

If you find you have run out of hot water during the day (peak-rate hours) you wont be able to heat the hot water with the economy 7 immersion heater because your electricity supplier have turned it off, this is why many properties that have economy 7 will have 2 immersion heaters fitted to the hot water tank, one near the top (peak) and one near the bottom (off-peak).

The top immersion heater will be supplied via your normal consumer unit, therefore you can switch it on manually by the local 20A DP Immersion Switch (Peak) adjacent to the hot water tank to act as a boost, if you turn this on remember to turn it off again once the water has heated up. The top immersion heater will only heat the top portion of the hot water tank.

The bottom immersion heater will be supplied via the smaller economy 7 consumer unit and will only switch on during the off-peak hours as set by your electricity supplier. The bottom immersion heater will heat the entire hot water tank.

No Hot Water

If you find that you constantly do not have any hot water there are a number of possible causes, assuming you have already checked the off-peak immersion switch has been left on for at least 24hrs,

  • Fault on the circuit wiring.
  • Faulty/corroded immersion heater element.
  • Faulty immersion heater controller/timer (if you have one).
  • Faulty electricity meter not turning on the e7 electrical supply.
  • Faulty immersion heater thermostat.
  • A fault causing the MCB/RCD to trip.
  • Loose or burnt out connections at the isolator or immersion.
  • Water has overheated and tripped the thermostat safety cut-out.
  • *A 13 amp fused spur is fitted and has burnt out or the fuse has blown.
  • Something else.

*Most immersion heaters are rated at 3kW which equates to 13.04 amps @ 230 volts, 13 amp switched fused spurs should not be installed or connected to immersion heaters.

Immersion Heater Temperature

As tempting as it may be to adjust the thermostat down to reduce the temperature of the hot water to save money, be sure not to reduce it too low otherwise there could be a risk of legionella growth, for further information visit Legionnaires’ disease: guidance, data and analysis – GOV.UK (


Economy 7 hot water heater tank cylinder

Economy 7 water heating can be an effective way to heat the water inside the hot water cylinder in all electric properties when it has been set up properly.

By leaving the off-peak 20A DP Immersion Heater (bottom immersion element) switch switched on all the time will allow the on/off times to be controlled by your electricity supplier at the off-peak cheap rate times.

Once the water reaches its desired temperature the immersion heater will stop heating the water.


An immersion heater will only consume power when the immersion heater is actually heating the water, therefore when it is NOT actually heating the water (thermostat has turned it off) it is not consuming any power during this time, so it will not be costing you anything in money terms, you are only charged for the actual power you consume (excluding the standing charge).

You electricity supplier will turn off the economy 7 electrical supply when the economy 7 off-peak rate ends which is generally around 7am.

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